which offers a critique of the interpretation by Mary Elizabeth Smith presented in this tutorial.] Nuttall, Zelia 1902 Codex Nuttall, Facsimile of an Ancient Mexican Codex Belonging to Lord Zouche of Haryn[g]worth, England. Cambridge MA: Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. [Early overview of Mixtec writing; discusses the Lady Monkey narrative on pages 6-9 of the Codex Selden]. Smith, Mary Elizabeth 1983a Codex Selden: A Manuscript from the Valley of Nochixtlán? In The Cloud People: Divergent Evolution of the Zapotec and Mixtec Civilizations, edited by Kent Flannery and J. Marcus, pp. 248-255. New York: Academic Press. [Discusses the identification of the "Belching Mountain" place glyph as that of Jaltepec]. 1983b Regional Points of View in the Mixtec Codices. In The Cloud People: Divergent Evolution of the Zapotec and Mixtec Civilizations, edited by Kent Flannery and J. Marcus, pp. 238-245. New York: Academic Press.[Discusses the Lord 9 House/Lord 9 Lizard narrative on pages 11-13 of the Codex Selden].